Become a mentee in Nema Problema’s Mentor program

Are you new in Sweden? Are you searching for a job, internship, or education? In the Nema Problema’s mentor program ”Jobbsteget Tillsammans”, you are paired with a mentor who has been living in Sweden for a long time and has a similar education or professional background as you. You meet once a month for 8 months to help you find a job or education. Additionally, you can participate in group activities organized by Nema Problema to help you integrate into Sweden. The program is free.

Who can participate in the mentor program?

You, if you:

  • Are 18 years or older
  • Have been living in Sweden for a maximum of 7 years
  • Are looking for a job, education, or internship
  • Live in or near Stockholm County

This fall, we will have spots available for individuals who are:

  • Quota refugees (resettlement)
  • Relatives who have moved to a family member in Sweden (residence permit through family connection)
  • Ukrainians with residence permits through the Temporary Protection Directive

Submit your expression of interest, and we will get in touch with you!

Take the first step to becoming a mentee in our program by filling out the form below. We will contact you and schedule a conversation.


  • MM snedstreck DD snedstreck ÅÅÅÅ
  • Detta fält används för valideringsändamål och ska lämnas oförändrat.

As a mentee, you are expected to:

  • Meet your mentor once a month
  • Attend the kickoff and closing meetings
  • Schedule meetings with your mentor
  • Respond to emails and invitations from Nema Problema
Coach och adepter med mottagna diplom

Previous mentees:

I feel a program such as yours is a blessing. Couldn’t have been more thankful. My view, mentoring programme more than anything is a mental support to expand your horizon in a new country.

En mentor är väldigt viktig för att söka ett jobb eftersom jag inte har vetat hur man kan söka jobb, ansöka om utbildning och förbereda cv och personligt brev. Hon har visat mig allt . Tack för hjälpen.