About us

This is Nema Problema

Nema Problema was founded in 2016 and is a non-profit organization based in Stockholm, Sweden, working for a more inclusive society by creating encounters between people of different backgrounds and helping immigrants find relevant occupations.

Our main activities consist of mentorship programs.

Our core values

  • Entrepreneurial Charity – We focus on effective decision making processes and the organization is defined by a problem solving approach.
  • Effective Altruism – Our work is based on critical thinking and evidence and we continuously evaluate our impact in order to make the most out of our resources.
  • Positivity and Happiness – We believe that helping others is both fun and fulfilling. And we spread that belief to engage others.

You can find our latest Impact Report here.

Nema Problema applies the above mentioned principles to our work with integrating immigrants. We create encounters between newly arrived and established Swedes in order to improve occupational, educational and social integration.

Mentoring programs

In our mentoring programs, newly arrived mentees are matched with established mentors in individual mentor couples. We aim at matching people that are similar in terms of interests and educational as well as professional goals and backgrounds. The program consists of individual mentoring sessions and supporting group sessions. The main goals of the mentoring program are to

  • help newly arrived people to enter or advance on the Swedish labour market
  • help newly arrived people in their educational achievements
  • create social networks between established and newly arrived Swedes
  • increase knowledge and interest in integration related issues among established Swedes


In order to achieve our goals and to have as much of a social impact as possible, Nema Problema actively engages in cooperations with all sectors in society. We have partnerships with actors from the private, public and civil sectors. Here are some of our main sponsors.


Nema Problema is a membership organization governed by a democratically elected board. Members of the Nema Problema association can participate in making important decisions at annual meetings. The main work of the organization is conducted by the Nema Problema staff, which includes operations managers, project managers, assistants and communication managers.

Sponsoring and donations to Nema Problema are handled in line with the demands stipulated by The Swedish Fundraising Controlconcerning ethics and responsibility.

Gotlandsresa gruppbild 2019

Contact form

    Read more about how we handle your personal data at nemaproblema.se/gdpr-och-integritet/
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